Thursday, July 7, 2011
First Ultrasound!
I had my first ultrasound today and everything looks great! I am 5 weeks, 2 days! There is one gestational sac with one yolk sac. That is all we could see so far. There was no fetal pole or heartbeat yet but the tech said it is still early for that. I have another ultrasound on Monday, July 18th and I will be 6 weeks, 6 days. They should be able to see the fetal pole and heartbeat! I am starting to get really excited but we aren't ready to tell people yet. I think after our next appointment, we will start telling our friends and extended family. Grow little enbryo, grow!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
I must have dreamt about it!
I said I was going to dream about 400 and... the nurse called me yesterday and told me that my second beta that was drawn on Thursday was 496! That more than doubled since Tuesday (191)! I am starting to get excited but I am still nervous that something bad could happen. I think just having gone through infertility puts that extra little doubt in the back of your mind. I have an early ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday as well as some bloodwork. It is going to be a long 5 days!
We told my mom and stepdad as well as Nick's parents and sister and brother-in-law. I also told my best friend since she knew about our troubles. We are going to wait a little while before telling the rest of our family and friends. I am going to try and relax and be excited for the holiday weekend!
We told my mom and stepdad as well as Nick's parents and sister and brother-in-law. I also told my best friend since she knew about our troubles. We are going to wait a little while before telling the rest of our family and friends. I am going to try and relax and be excited for the holiday weekend!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Continuing Cautiously
I tested again on Monday with a HPT and got another Positive. I called the nurse line at the RE's office to see if they would bump my beta up from Wednesday to Tuesday and she did. So, I went for my beta Tuesday morning and it was 191 which I am told is pretty good! The doc ordered a repeat beta on Thursday (this morning) but I haven't got the results yet. The nurse should be calling me tomorrow. The HCG level should at least double every 48 hours. I am going to bed tonight dreaming of 400! To be completely honest, I have tested every morning with a HPT since Sunday. I think I just wanted to be sure it didn't go away. I wont test anymore though since I'm not at home. Nick and I are in Clarion this weekend for some4th of July family activities. We got here around 6 this evening and won't be heading home until Tuesday.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Cautiously Excited About a BFP!
I tested this morning with one of my Walmart specials, an Equate Brand HPT (picked up after my dollar store fiasco). IT WAS POSITIVE! I am so nervous though. I don't want to get too excited because I know there are so many things that could happen. I know I am at increased risk of miscarriage since I have PCOS. Again, a wonderful side effect of PCOS. I am going to test again tomrrow and Tuesday then my beta is Wednesday. If my beta is positive, my doc will order a repeat beta, probably 2 days later to confirm. Beta's should continue to rise the further into the pregnancy you go. If the numbers (level of HCG hormone in my blood) start to fall, that means you are going to miscarriage.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Embarrassed at the dollar store
So, I decided to go to the dollar store yesterday to pick up some HPT's. I am planning to start testing tomorrow at 11dpo. It is kinda early to start testing, hence the need for cheepie tests. I have one name brand test that I am saving for Tuesday or Wednesday morning (beta is Wednesday). Anyway, when I get there, there is a big hand-made sign hanging on the wall in the asile that says "HPT's available behind the counter, please ask cashier". Well the store was busy and of course there was only one register open with a line. I suddenly got embarrassed and left the store. I was mad at myself afterwards for caring what other people thing. I mean, I am a grown, married, women. What am I so embarrassed about? I guess just the fact that it was the dollar store... who buys HPT at the dollar store? I found out from the TTTC message board that you can buy cheap HPT's in bulk from various online sites, including Amazon. If this cycle is a bust, I am going to stock up for the next IUI.
On a side note, my mom called yesterday evening and asked if I was getting nervous about the beta next week. I guess she isn't going to forget.
On a side note, my mom called yesterday evening and asked if I was getting nervous about the beta next week. I guess she isn't going to forget.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
First 2ww dragging
This 2 week wait (2ww) is killing me. My beta (blood pregnancy test) is scheduled for June 29th (a week from tomorrow) but I don't think I can wait that long. I am planning on taking a home prenancy test (hpt) Saturday morning. That will only be 11 days past the IUI and the accuracy is only like 50% that soon. If it is positive, I will be super excited and if it is negative I won't worry to much yet! If it is negative, I will probably test every day until my beta on Wenesday hoping for a positive. I would rather find out our first IUI was a failure in the comfort of my own bathroom than a phone call from a random nurse.
I told both my mom and my MIL about the IUI and the 2ww. I am not sure if they will remember or not though. I am hoping they both forget and if it is positive, I have some time to find a clever way to tell them before they remember to ask me about the appointment. I was thinking I could mail them each a picture frame and in the frame, insert a card that says something along the lines of... "Insert grandchild's picture here" or "Coming Soon, A new grandchild". I am sure they won't wait long enough for me to send these so maybe I can use this idea when we find out what we are having (B or G) and surprise them with that news.
I told both my mom and my MIL about the IUI and the 2ww. I am not sure if they will remember or not though. I am hoping they both forget and if it is positive, I have some time to find a clever way to tell them before they remember to ask me about the appointment. I was thinking I could mail them each a picture frame and in the frame, insert a card that says something along the lines of... "Insert grandchild's picture here" or "Coming Soon, A new grandchild". I am sure they won't wait long enough for me to send these so maybe I can use this idea when we find out what we are having (B or G) and surprise them with that news.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
IUI #1 is in the books
This morning I had my first IUI done. Nick and I went to the doctors at 8 AM sharp for him to provide his "contribution". Then at 10 AM we had the insemination done. The process was no worse than a PAP. Afterwards, I had to lay on on the table with my knees up for 15 minutes. Nick and I had lunch, and went to work for the second half of the day. It was extremely weird for me going back to work though. It was like I had this big secret, "I MIGHT BE PREGNANT", but couldn't tell anybody. Also, I found myself being very cautious with my body. I didn't want to lift anything heavy, go to the bathroom too much, or even cook dinner. I know I'll get over it but I just really want this to work. I go in for my blood test in 15 days, right before 4th of July weekend. We are going to Nick's parents house for the weekend for a cook-out. We joked today that pending the results of the test, we will either be drinking champagne to celebrate or hard licquor to forget!
The only part of the IUI that was a little disheartening was when the PA came in beforehand to show us the vial label for Nick's "contribution" and the label on our chart to compare and make sure the first and last name as well as the birthday were all accurate. Yes, that is my husband and yes I do want that "contribution" to be used! Handle with care and don't mix them up, thank you!
The only part of the IUI that was a little disheartening was when the PA came in beforehand to show us the vial label for Nick's "contribution" and the label on our chart to compare and make sure the first and last name as well as the birthday were all accurate. Yes, that is my husband and yes I do want that "contribution" to be used! Handle with care and don't mix them up, thank you!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
First Injection
I went to the doctors this morning (7:30 on a Sunday, ugh!) for another monitoring appointment. It is CD15 and I have one mature follicle! I was instructed to take my Ovidrel shot tonight at 10 pm. The anticipation was worse than the actual shot. I didn't think I could give it to myself accuratly so Nick did it, after some encouraging words. We opted for the stomach region. Our IUI is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10:00. I am excited but nervous at the same time. I have been off work for the last two weeks, since Memorial day and I work all this coming week. I work 3 weeks during the summer and of course our IUI would fall during one of those weeks. I am going to have to call off and I hate doing that. This is definetly more important though but I haven't come out to my boss yet so she probably thinks I am being irresponsable for missing so much work.
Nick and I talked a little today about adoption. I think we both agree that we will give fertility treatments all we can (financially and emotionally) and in the end, we will consider adoption. We will cross that bridge when we get to it, but for now, positive thoughts about this IUI!!
Nick and I talked a little today about adoption. I think we both agree that we will give fertility treatments all we can (financially and emotionally) and in the end, we will consider adoption. We will cross that bridge when we get to it, but for now, positive thoughts about this IUI!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I expected more
Maybe I am being naive as to how hard TTC is going to be for me? I had a monitoring appoitment this morning. It is CD12 and I had one measurable follicle at 15mm. The nurse said I have a couple others but they were not measurable (all under 10 mm). A mature follicle should be at least 18 mm. I was instructed to use ovulation predictor tests every morning until I get a surge. If/when I get a surge, I am to go into the office asap for an ultrasound and they will instruct me on when to take my shot and we'll schedule the IUI. I have another ultrasound appointment scheduled for Sunday morning (CD15), if I dont get a surge before that. I am a little disapointed. I was hoping to have 2 or 3 measurable follicles. I really want this IUI to work and although I know it only takes one, I also know our chances are increased if we have 2 or even 3 follicles. I guess now, I wait.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A new book
I started reading a new book last night that I picked up on Amazon (while shopping for OPK's). The book is, The PCOS Diet Plan by Heather Wright, M.Ed, RD. So far it is a little technical for me but I only read the first chapter (it took me about an hour to get through). I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I did receive a diagnosis from my RE of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS. It was discovered after some routine bloodwork, medical history, and vaginal ultrasound. I have since realized how common it is, *sigh of relief. PCOS is the most common female hormonal disorder and the primary cause of infertility. It affects about 10% of all women during their reproductive years. The symptoms I have enjoyed include irregular periods, weight gain/difficulty losing weight, unwanted hair growth (this one is the best!), acne prone skin, and, the reason for this blog, difficulty getting pregnant/infertility. Having PCOS also puts me at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. So... I am going to try to limit my sugar and carb intake in hopes of losing some weight, controlling the condition, and hopefully increasing my chances of a BFP (another Bump message board reference which stands for Big Fat Positive).
Meds Arrived
The last of my meds arrived the other day in the mail. Since this is my first medicated cycle, I decided to capture this momentous occasion with a picture. I actually took my last Comid does on Monday. The other bottle is my prenatal vitamins that I take every night. You also see my Ovidrel shot that I will be giving myself soon as well as my progesterone suppositories... that's right, a shot AND suppositories! Anybody want to trade places?
I have an ultrasound monitoring appointment early tomorrow morning to see how many follicles I have growing. The nurse should also advise me when to take my Ovidrel and Progesterone and when to come back in for my IUI (24-36 hours after the Ovidrel Trigger shot).
The second Picture I have included for your viewing pleasure is a little ironic. Today, when reaching into the refridgerator to get my meds for picture #1, I realized I had placed my meds on the same shelf as the margarita mix and beer! This never dawned on me until today, and they have been in there for a few days now. Maybe this is my mind/body teasing me! Oh body, quit teasing!
I have an ultrasound monitoring appointment early tomorrow morning to see how many follicles I have growing. The nurse should also advise me when to take my Ovidrel and Progesterone and when to come back in for my IUI (24-36 hours after the Ovidrel Trigger shot).
Friday, June 3, 2011
Meltdown Over
I am finally over the mini meltdown I had last Tuesday. After what was a great weekend in Clarion with Nick's family for Memorial Day, we had a doctors appointment. At the appointment, I had my first date with the "dildo cam" to make sure I had no cycsts before starting the Clomid (no cysts!). Before leaving the apointment came the source of my mini meltdown, I had to write a check for 2,135 dollars to cover the cost of the IUI as well as all the bloodwork and monitoring that goes along with it. In case you haven't caught on by now, insurance does not cover any form of artificial insemination. They did however pay for all infertility testing. Thank you Highmark for allowing me to find out that my husband and I will never conceive naturally and then throwing us to the wolves, ouch!
My first round of fertility drugs
Well, actually, it started yesterday! Yesterday morning I took my first pill, 50mg of Clomid. I will be taking this pill for 5 days total (last dose is Monday morning). On Thursday, I have an appointment with what my fellow trying to conceiv-ers affectionately call the "dildo cam". The ultrasound tech will check to see how many follicles I have growing. Fertility drugs are like a fine cocktail, you have to get the right mix. Best case scenario, I will have 2 or 3 good follicles that will produce eggs. Worst case scenario, I will grow too many follicles and the RE will cancel the IUI (5 or more)... no octomom here.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A little history
I think like most women trying to start a family, I thought I would get pregnant the first time I had unprotected sex. Isn't that what our teachers and parents have drilled into our heads since we were 16? Unfortanetly, it hasn't been that easy for me, nothing about my trying to concieve (TTC) journey has been easy! As you may have read in the "About Me" section of my blog, my husband and I started TTC in June 2010. Yep, that's right, we just reached our one year anniversary but there will be no celebrating for this anniversary.
I had been on birth control for about 12 years when I stopped last June. Since stopping BC, I had extremely irregular periods (39-99 days) so I finally consulted my gynocologist in February, 2011 after months of convincing myself that my body was just regulating itself and there was nothing wrong. My doc quickly referred me to the fertility specialist or RE.
So, to pick up where my last/first post left off... My husband and I had our follow up appointment with the RE on May 17. We got the results of our tests that we both had done on May 6. Good news, my tubes are both open and Nick's sperm counts are good! Bad news, my bloodwork showed some shady hormone levels and Nick's sperm motility was low. At the recomendation of the RE, we are starting an IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) cycle.
I had been on birth control for about 12 years when I stopped last June. Since stopping BC, I had extremely irregular periods (39-99 days) so I finally consulted my gynocologist in February, 2011 after months of convincing myself that my body was just regulating itself and there was nothing wrong. My doc quickly referred me to the fertility specialist or RE.
So, to pick up where my last/first post left off... My husband and I had our follow up appointment with the RE on May 17. We got the results of our tests that we both had done on May 6. Good news, my tubes are both open and Nick's sperm counts are good! Bad news, my bloodwork showed some shady hormone levels and Nick's sperm motility was low. At the recomendation of the RE, we are starting an IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) cycle.
After my first visit to the reproductive endocrinologist (RE), I wrote a paragraph on my computer in anticipation of starting this blog. I have posted it below.
Thursday, March 31, 2011: I had my first RE appointment on Wednesday, March 30 and it was wonderful. I am so glad I decided to make this appointment. My RE has ordered a few tests and we have a tentative plan in place which includes a follow-up appointment at the beginining of May when all of our testing is done. I am going for bloodwork on April 11, after which I will start taking provera for 10 days to stimulate my period. When I get my period I will schedule an HSG and Nick is going to schedule his SA.
Thursday, March 31, 2011: I had my first RE appointment on Wednesday, March 30 and it was wonderful. I am so glad I decided to make this appointment. My RE has ordered a few tests and we have a tentative plan in place which includes a follow-up appointment at the beginining of May when all of our testing is done. I am going for bloodwork on April 11, after which I will start taking provera for 10 days to stimulate my period. When I get my period I will schedule an HSG and Nick is going to schedule his SA.
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