This 2 week wait (2ww) is killing me. My beta (blood pregnancy test) is scheduled for June 29th (a week from tomorrow) but I don't think I can wait that long. I am planning on taking a home prenancy test (hpt) Saturday morning. That will only be 11 days past the IUI and the accuracy is only like 50% that soon. If it is positive, I will be super excited and if it is negative I won't worry to much yet! If it is negative, I will probably test every day until my beta on Wenesday hoping for a positive. I would rather find out our first IUI was a failure in the comfort of my own bathroom than a phone call from a random nurse.
I told both my mom and my MIL about the IUI and the 2ww. I am not sure if they will remember or not though. I am hoping they both forget and if it is positive, I have some time to find a clever way to tell them before they remember to ask me about the appointment. I was thinking I could mail them each a picture frame and in the frame, insert a card that says something along the lines of... "Insert grandchild's picture here" or "Coming Soon, A new grandchild". I am sure they won't wait long enough for me to send these so maybe I can use this idea when we find out what we are having (B or G) and surprise them with that news.
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