Friday, June 24, 2011

Embarrassed at the dollar store

So, I decided to go to the dollar store yesterday to pick up some HPT's.  I am planning to start testing tomorrow at 11dpo.  It is kinda early to start testing, hence the need for cheepie tests.  I have one name brand test that I am saving for Tuesday or Wednesday morning (beta is Wednesday).  Anyway, when I get there, there is a big hand-made sign hanging on the wall in the asile that says "HPT's available behind the counter, please ask cashier".  Well the store was busy and of course there was only one register open with a line.  I suddenly got embarrassed and left the store.  I was mad at myself afterwards for caring what other people thing.  I mean, I am a grown, married, women.  What am I so embarrassed about?  I guess just the fact that it was the dollar store... who buys HPT at the dollar store? I found out from the TTTC message board that you can buy cheap HPT's in bulk from various online sites, including Amazon.  If this cycle is a bust, I am going to stock up for the next IUI.

On a side note, my mom called yesterday evening and asked if I was getting nervous about the beta next week.  I guess she isn't going to forget. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. :) If anyone is in that aisle, I will keep walking and then go back later. ::covers face in shame:: lol
