Thursday, June 2, 2011

A little history

I think like most women trying to start a family, I thought I would get pregnant the first time I had unprotected sex.  Isn't that what our teachers and parents have drilled into our heads since we were 16?  Unfortanetly, it hasn't been that easy for me, nothing about my trying to concieve (TTC) journey has been easy! As you may have read in the "About Me" section of my blog, my husband and I started TTC in June 2010.  Yep, that's right, we just reached our one year anniversary but there will be no celebrating for this anniversary.

I had been on birth control for about 12 years when I stopped last June.  Since stopping BC, I had extremely irregular periods (39-99 days) so I finally consulted my gynocologist in February, 2011 after months of convincing myself that my body was just regulating itself and there was nothing wrong.  My doc quickly referred me to the fertility specialist or RE.

So, to pick up where my last/first post left off... My husband and I had our follow up appointment with the RE on May 17.  We got the results of our tests that we both had done on May 6.  Good news, my tubes are both open and Nick's sperm counts are good! Bad news, my bloodwork showed some shady hormone levels and Nick's sperm motility was low.  At the recomendation of the RE, we are starting an IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) cycle.

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